👋The AquaPurge Project

Whitepaper for the clean-ocean incentivization


In the vast expanse of our world's oceans, a silent crisis is unfolding. Plastic pollution, waste mismanagement, and the deteriorating health of marine ecosystems have raised an urgent call for action. In response to this pressing challenge, the Aquapurge Project emerges as a beacon of hope, driven by a powerful combination of technology, community, and innovation.

The Rising Tide of Ocean Pollution

As a team of dedicated tech enthusiasts with a profound sense of social responsibility, we find ourselves uniquely positioned to address the critical issue of ocean pollution. Hailing from coastal cities and led by our founder based in Mombasa, Kenya, we've witnessed firsthand the staggering amounts of plastic and waste choking our oceans. It's a sight that compels us to take a stand, to bring about a change that transcends borders and shores.

A Web3-Powered Solution

Aquapurge is more than a cleanup initiative—it's a catalyst for a cleaner, healthier future. By harnessing the power of Web3 technology and Regenerative Finance, we're forging a new path in environmental conservation. Our mission is twofold: to rid our oceans of pollution and to transform communities into active participants in this global movement.

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